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Star Wars D6 PDF Download: How to Get the Classic RPG for Free
If you are a fan of Star Wars and role-playing games, you might have heard of Star Wars D6, the classic RPG that was published by West End Games from 1987 to 1999. This game is widely regarded as one of the best Star Wars RPGs ever made, as it not only captured the essence of the movies, but also expanded the Star Wars universe with rich lore and details. In fact, many elements of the game were later adopted by other media and canon, such as names, planets, ships, characters, and events.
But what if you want to play this game today? You might think that you need to hunt down rare and expensive copies of the books on eBay or Amazon. But there is a better way. You can legally download the PDFs of Star Wars D6 for free from various websites, thanks to the generosity of West End Games and the dedication of fans. In this article, we will show you how to get these PDFs, as well as give you an overview of the history, basics, and benefits of Star Wars D6.
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The History of Star Wars D6
Star Wars D6 was created by West End Games (WEG), a company that was known for producing tabletop games based on licensed properties, such as Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones, and James Bond. In 1987, WEG acquired the license to produce Star Wars RPGs from Lucasfilm, which at that time had little interest in expanding the franchise beyond the original trilogy. WEG saw this as an opportunity to fill in the gaps and create a rich and coherent setting for their game.
WEG hired talented writers, artists, editors, and designers to work on their Star Wars RPG line. They produced dozens of rulebooks, sourcebooks, adventures, guides, supplements, and magazines that covered every aspect of the Star Wars galaxy. They created new planets, species, factions, characters, vehicles, weapons, force powers, and more. They also incorporated elements from other sources, such as novels, comics, video games, toys, and even fan-made materials. They consulted with Lucasfilm regularly to ensure consistency and quality.
The result was a massive body of work that became known as the Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU). Many fans consider this to be the definitive version of Star Wars, as it fleshed out the movies with depth and diversity. Many elements of the EU were later used by other media and canon, such as The Clone Wars animated series, The Mandalorian live-action series, and even some of the sequel trilogy movies. Some notable examples are Coruscant (the capital planet of the galaxy), Thrawn (a brilliant Imperial admiral), Mara Jade (a former Emperor's Hand who became Luke Skywalker's wife), and Dash Rendar (a smuggler who helped Han Solo).
Unfortunately, WEG faced financial difficulties in the late 1990s due to various reasons. They lost their license to produce Star Wars RPGs in 1999. The game line was discontinued and many books went out of print. However, WEG did not give up on their creation. They released some of their books as free PDFs on their website before they closed down in 2004. They also allowed fans to continue using their material for non-commercial purposes under the Open Game License (OGL) . They also encouraged fans to create and share their own content for the game. Since then, many fans have continued to support and play Star Wars D6. They have created websites, forums, blogs, podcasts, videos, and more to share their passion and knowledge. They have also produced new books, adventures, rules, and supplements for the game. Some of these fan-made products are of professional quality and rival the original WEG books. Some examples are The Star Wars REUP (Revised, Expanded, and Updated) , The D6 Holocron , and The Rancor Pit . The Basics of Star Wars D6
Star Wars D6 is a tabletop RPG that uses the D6 system, a simple and elegant game mechanic that is based on rolling six-sided dice (D6). The D6 system was originally developed by WEG for their Ghostbusters RPG, and was later adapted and modified for Star Wars and other games. The D6 system is easy to learn and play, and allows for fast and cinematic action.
To play Star Wars D6, you need a few things: a copy of the rulebook (either the original or a fan-made version), some D6 dice (preferably in different colors), a character sheet (either pre-generated or custom-made), a pencil, some paper, and some friends. You also need a game master (GM), who is the person who runs the game and controls the story, the setting, the NPCs (non-player characters), and the enemies. The GM is responsible for creating or choosing an adventure for the players to participate in, as well as adjudicating the rules and outcomes of the actions.
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To create a character for Star Wars D6, you need to choose a template, which is a basic archetype that defines your role and background in the game. There are many templates to choose from, such as bounty hunter, smuggler, Jedi knight, rebel soldier, imperial officer, droid, alien, and more. Each template has a set of attributes, skills, equipment, and special abilities that reflect your character's strengths and weaknesses. You can also customize your character by spending character points (CP) to improve your attributes or skills, or by choosing advantages or disadvantages that give you bonuses or penalties in certain situations.
The attributes in Star Wars D6 are: Dexterity (DEX), which measures your agility, reflexes, and coordination; Knowledge (KNO), which measures your education, intelligence, and memory; Mechanical (MEC), which measures your ability to operate and repair machines and vehicles; Perception (PER), which measures your awareness, intuition, and charisma; Strength (STR), which measures your physical power, endurance, and health; and Technical (TEC), which measures your skill in engineering, hacking, and medicine. Each attribute has a number of dice assigned to it, which represents how good you are at that attribute. For example, if you have 3D in Dexterity, it means you roll three dice whenever you use that attribute.
The skills in Star Wars D6 are specific abilities that fall under one of the attributes. For example, Blaster is a skill under Dexterity that measures your ability to shoot with blaster weapons; Languages is a skill under Knowledge that measures your ability to speak and understand different languages; Starship Piloting is a skill under Mechanical that measures your ability to fly starships; Bargain is a skill under Perception that measures your ability to negotiate prices; Brawling is a skill under Strength that measures your ability to fight with your fists; and First Aid is a skill under Technical that measures your ability to heal wounds. Each skill has a number of dice assigned to it as well, which can be the same as or higher than the attribute dice. For example, if you have 3D in Dexterity and 4D in Blaster, it means you roll four dice whenever you use that skill. The force powers in Star Wars D6 are special abilities that allow you to manipulate the Force, the mysterious energy field that binds the galaxy together. To use force powers, you need to have the Force attribute, which is separate from the other attributes and has its own dice. You also need to choose a force path, which determines your alignment and philosophy. There are three force paths: